Monday, April 20, 2020

T is for Trust

T is for Trust
by Wendy Elizabeth Middleton

Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2

How well do you know the layout of your house? If you think you know it pretty well then try walking from room to room blindfolded. Go ahead, try it, I’ll wait.

Well how’d you do? Did you remember where all the chairs were? Did you know how many steps there were from the kitchen to the den? Did you stumble or run into any walls? Was the journey frustrating? Was it a little bit scary?

Now try it again, only this time have your best friend help you. You wear the blindfold and they talk you around the house. If you start to trip or walk into a wall they can draw you back, otherwise they just tell you where to go.

Was this any easier? Did having your friend there help? Did you trust their directions?

We have to trust Him.
This is a lot like walking with God. In this world we are wearing blinders, we can’t see all the moving parts of our world, but God can. We have to trust his directions, especially when we cannot see the way. Sometimes He only tells us what to do right now. Sometimes he tells what the next step should be, but not what the final outcome will be. Sometimes He tells us the destination, but not exactly how we are going to get there.

Surely He is our salvation
Surely He is our salvation. He has proven that by coming to earth to get us. Jesus paid the fines and got us out of the prison of sin. We can trust Him because He has already proven how trustworthy He is. His salvation is a sure thing, not a maybe or a hopefully, but surely.

In all situations
We can trust Him in all situations. Not just sometimes, but in all times. When we are frustrated or frightened we can pour out our hearts to Him and He will comfort and protect us.

Trust in him in all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is out refuge. Psalms 62:8

He is our strength.
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. Psalms 125:1

Like a mountain, and not just any mountain, Mount Zion where God dwells. Earthly mountains erode and crumble in earthquakes and mudslides. God’s dwelling place is eternal, as He is eternal. We don’t have to know what comes next because we know that God knows what comes next. From His mountain He can see what is around the bend in the road we are on. Nothing catches Him by surprise.

The rules are there for a reason
God does not always explain His reasons anymore than parents explain theirs. Children rarely see the harm in doing dangerous things but parents set limits on behavior in order to keep their kids alive long enough to see the dangers for themselves. God does the same thing. He tells us what not to do, in order to keep us safe long enough to see the dangers for ourselves.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your won understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Trusting God takes a leap of faith. Faith that God will not let you fall. Faith that God has already paved the way. Faith that God knows what He is doing, even when we can’t see.

Simple – Ain’t – Easy
But God is not blind

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