Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Word Search Wednesday: Sheep

Word Search Wednesday – Sheep
by Wendy Elizabeth Middleton

When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. John 10:4

Have you ever seen a sheep? Not just a picture, a real live smelly, wooly sheep. They ain’t cute. Baby sheep are cute, but they don’t stay that way long. You can have one cow, and many cows, but you can’t have many sheep(s) what you have are many sheep. And if you watch sheep in action it is almost as if the many sheep are just one sheep because when one takes off all the others follow.

That’s because in sheep defense 101 they learn to stay in the middle of the herd so that the wolf gets full before he gets to them.

“Sorry, Baaaarrrrryyyy, but better you than me.”

Of course, if the leader of the herd jumps off a cliff it is entirely possible that all the other sheep will follow right along skipping into oblivion without looking. Sheep aren’t stupid, but they are not the smartest animals in the barnyard either.

Sheep do recognize their own shepherd. They recognize his voice and will follow the sound of his voice because it means safety. If the shepherd remains in the lead there is little chance of the herd reaching the cliff, much less jumping off of it. It is usually when the sheep wander away from the shepherd that they get into trouble.

The best defense that the sheep has is the shepherd. It is the shepherd’s job to guard the sheep, to save the sheep from the wolf, and if necessary to save the sheep from themselves. A good shepherd will stand between the wolf and the sheep; he will trade his life for the lives of his flock.

People are a lot like sheep, content to stay anonymous in the middle of the herd so as not to be singled out, seeking safety in numbers and following the crowd without much thought.

Jesus is the good shepherd, calling us to follow him to green pastures, he feeds his flock healthy grain, the bread of life. He stands between his flock and the world, the wolf at the door ready to devour us. Jesus laid down his life for his flock. We get in trouble when we stray from the shepherd, even if the rest of the flock is heading for the edge of that cliff, if we heed the voice of the shepherd we can turn back from danger. The wolves are still circling, but there is more safety standing alone by the shepherd’s side than in the middle of the flock plunging into oblivion.

Simple – Ain’t – Easy
But it sure is worth the effort
- Wendy

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