Monday, May 11, 2020

Whatever is Lovely

Whatever is Lovely
by Wendy Elizabeth Middleton

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Philippians 4:8

I’ve been reading about Mindful Meditation lately. I can’t get the image of a crossed-legged person with their eyes closed attempting to empty their minds and let their minds float. Actually they are supposed to be concentrating on a single thing, like breathing, and bring their minds back to that single thing when the mind wanders away.

Mindful or Mind Full

My mind is full and it races at about a million miles a minute, yet I have used mindfulness at certain points in my life without even realizing it. I was born allergic to the sun and dust. If I didn’t practice mind over matter then I would have never left my room. But the world was waiting so I went exploring, stuffy head and all. But sometimes the pain got intense and when that happened, I groaned. Deep resonating moans that filled my head with sound, and I concentrated on the sound, blocking out the pain.

The only time that it didn’t work was at an amusement park. I had an inner ear infection, I was ignoring the symptoms and getting along just fine until I got on a ride that spun me in a circle very fast. I couldn’t walk after that and had to go home.

I have also used deep breathing exercises to help regulate my heart rate and blood pressure. For example, when my computer acts up and refuses to cooperate with what I want it to do and I cannot figure out why, I will slam it shut and walk away. I usually wind up on the back porch hanging onto the porch rail with an angry iron grip. Then I close my eyes and breathe. Deep breath. Iiiinnnnn and ooouuuttt. It usually only takes two or three breaths and I can shake off the anger then open my computer and think the problem through. 

Usually I get a thought or two as to what the solution might be while I am still breathing.

Still I think I prefer Mind Full Meditation to Mindful Meditation.

When the Mind is Full  

There is an old computer saying “Garbage in – Garbage out” which means if the code you put in the computer is garbage then the computer will spit out garbage. The brain works pretty much the same way, what you put in is what comes out. Dwell on the negative and you will live in a fearful world. Dwell on the positive and you will thrive in a fearful world.

If your mind is full of worry "Garbage in" then your life and health will suffer "Garbage Out"

True, noble, right and pure describes any verse in the Bible. I just opened my Bible to Proverbs 3:1-2 My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in you heart, for they will prolong you life many years and bring you prosperity. This is wisdom talking, and the wisest being I know is God. As I meditate on his words, my pulse slows, my breathing grows steady and even, my heart begins to sing a quiet song.

When you meditate on the words of God "Useful in" then your life and health will heal "Useful out".

One of the lessons I remember from Psych 101 was how to not think of pink elephants. Try it: for the next 60 seconds do not think of pink elephants. Do not envision them on parade; do not see them rearing up in the circus ring, do not watch them march across the room. Set your timer for 60 seconds, I’ll wait.

How’d you do? Did you manage to not think of pink elephants for 60 seconds? Or did you think of pink elephants for 60 seconds? Not thinking about something is difficult, especially if that something is planted right there, front and center of your mind. Not worrying about something is difficult, especially if your worries are planted right there in the center of your mind. They have to be uprooted but they are like weeds, they grow back relentlessly.

There is a trick to it. Instead of just trying to endlessly uproot them try planting something else. Give yourself something else to think about. If you don’t want to think about pink elephants for 60 seconds then think about blue rhinoceros for 60 seconds. Picture them on parade; see them in the circus ring, watch them march across the room. Reset your timer and try again. This time instead of not thinking about pink elephants do think about blue rhinoceros. Go ahead – I don’t mind waiting.

Well? Was there a pink elephant at the end of the parade of blue rhinoceros? Did one sneak into the circus or did one join you in the room?

The trick to leaving your worries behind is to put something else in their place. Have a list of blue rhinoceros handy and when worry creeps in pull one out and substitute the lovely, and noble, and for the worry.

Cronovirus – scary awful – Isaiah 40:10 Do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God…

Money troubles – Luke 12:24 Consider the raven: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!

These are not empty words. These are promises direct from God Almighty. Think about these promises. Think about how much God loves you, so much that He gave His one and only son that you shall not perish. (John 3:16) 

Look at the roses covered in dew and think how wonderful is the God who made them. Take a deep breath and substitute the majesty of eternal God for the weakness of this temporary woe.

Simple – Ain’t – Easy
But it is by far more peaceful

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