Monday, May 4, 2020


by Wendy Elizabeth Middleton

“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Hebrews 11:3

I am a Wikipediate! I admit that I can spend days happily tracing all of the connections between articles on the Internet. Anyone can use Wiki but to be a true Wikipediate one must be an avid reader and I started early, way back before the Internet. Way back then I was an Encyclopediate. You know - the book form of Wiki. Encyclopedias come in sets, one book for nearly every letter in the alphabet. My mom got us a set when I was in grade school and I devoured them. It was in the Encyclopedia that i first met the duck billed, web footed, beaver tailed platypus.

His picture looks like a lot of left over parts joined together, but look him up, he is no mash up of spare parts. He is in fact, a really cool individual.

At the end of many of the articles in our encyclopedias was a list of ‘Related Articles’ that could be found elsewhere in the set. Once I found that tidbit of information I was off and running. Animals led to Aardvarks and Platypuses. King Arthur led to Knights, which led to Knights Templar, which led to Friday the 13th. and i studied every connection, no matter how far or how wide.

I would start with the list of related articles and mark them off, one by one, as I traced the subject through the entire set of books. I finally got to the point of reading the set from A to Z because I didn’t want to miss any information and not every article had a cross connection.

I am a big picture kind of thinker. I see connections and understand broad subjects better than the details on any single subject. I understand the implications of Quantum Mechanics much better than the mathematics that prove the implications.

I never learned to specialize, because I haven’t met an –ology that I didn’t like. The more I learn the more in awe of the creator I become and the more I want to learn. I adore platypuses and particles that act like waves and infrasounds that jangle the human nervous system. I love any fascinating tidbit of information really.

It is a wide, vast, sparkling, wonderful world that we live in. God used just a few building blocks and combined them in vastly different ways. Trees and humans have the same basic building blocks, but just look at the vastly different outcomes.

Philology is the love of words and as an –ology it is one of my many interests. How the language we use developed is just as fascinating as the words that we use. Take the word awestruck for example. it is an adjective or descriptive word which is made up of two other words, one a noun: Awe (fear and reverence) and the other a verb: Struck (a sharp or sudden effect.)

Fear traces back through ‘danger’, ‘danger’, ‘danger’ to the Proto-Indo-European per which means to attempt, to try, to research, or to risk. I much prefer the original connotation of the word 'fear' for the fear of God. The attempt to understand, the research into how He did all that He did, that is the beginning of knowledge. Understanding that He did all that He did is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7; 9:10)

I am awestruck - I am constantly struck by awe and reverence as I attempt to understand the world around me. Nothing that I have read or seen or researched has persuaded me that there is no God. On the contrary, the more I read, see, research and understand the more I am persuaded that there is a creator, an inventor, a designer and maker of all that I see. And the more struck by awe I become.

Simple – Ain’t – Easy
But it is interesting

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